Monday, December 5, 2016

When the fog takes over...

I think sometimes we think we have all the tools we need to look far ahead into our futures and to fantasize about what is to be and when that will happen for us. We often get caught up in this and forget to focus on God in ALL our moments. Trusting in His strategy and not our own.

When I was driving home from my workout this morning it was extremely foggy. Soon after getting on the road I realized I couldn't see more than about a cars length in front of me. I immediately slowed down about 10 mph for safety. As I slowed down I realized I had more time now to prepare for anything that might be ahead. I had time to think on it.

What brought this analogy into my mind was a struggle I have been dealing with for awhile. I get asked a lot, a lot, A LOT the same question; "So when are you getting married?" I'd love to just laugh this off every time and say "Ah whenever God puts that person in my life, I guess" However there is some staleness to this. It irritates me to answer that way because deep down I do believe that but it doesn't meant the waiting hasn't been hard.
You see, I live in a Midwestern state and I sometimes find myself asking that same question; "Why are you not married? You're 25, you don't have major commitment issues? What is wrong with you Lace? <---- Reading that statement back makes me feel as absolutely ridiculous as it makes me sound.  Why would I doubt God's plan like that? I find myself doing it all the time.  I forget that God has a purpose for this season of single-ness in my life. I think I need to see this fog in front of me as a street sign from God, SLOW DOWN. Enjoy, grow and rejoice in the season. Even in the slow pace of it.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says "There is a time for everything. There is a season for every activity under heaven"

What I'm trying to say is I think God sometimes creates a fog on purpose when we look down the road that is our life. I know right, what an epiphany, that God does things on purpose. Really though, there is a reason for a time of complete trust between you and God. I know I need these seasons where I hit the brakes and slow down a bit so I can use where he has me at to bring him glory.

Happy Monday Ya'll.